Wednesday 20 January 2010

Newspaper - Audience Research

Hello and welcome to my BlogSpot. In the following posts I shall be providing you with the research stage of my A2 media coursework of creating a new local newspaper. In order to create this I will need to do some research into other local newspapers to find out what is featured, what is standard to a local newspaper and how I can manipulate my newspaper to make it unique and suited to my own local area.

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The first thing I shall be doing is looking at other local newspapers and what they feature. I shall be looking at the first 3 pages of the newspaper as this is what is required for me to make in the project briefing. Okay, so onto the good stuff. The first local newspaper that I shall be looking at is the Reading Evening Post.

Reading Evening Post:
• Use of a traditional Newspaper Header
• Weekly edition rather than everyday
• Picture and Headline
• Main story on front page with part of the story, much like a global newspaper e.g. the times
• Advertisement of Local football team news

Henley Standard:
• Use of a traditional Newspaper Header
• Picture headline set up standard
• Gothic styled header, suggests age of town or suggests a mature audience
• Black and White texts rather than colour

Reading Chronicle:
• Modernised header
• Much larger size, generally landscaped rather than portrait
• Same use of a large image and story, but with more of the story on the front page
• Advertises other sections in the paper e.g. Jobs, Classifieds
• Advertisement of local football team and sport news

Okay, now that we have looked at three slightly different local newspapers we have established some similarities between them such as the use of a picture and part of a story on the front cover. Also we have noticed the use of advertisement to attract readers such as classifieds, sports news, and jobs. A key difference between the three has been the paper logo, with the two Reading papers taking a modernised approach with the use of colour, compared to the Henley newspaper which used a gothic styled font and is kept black and white. This works nicely in the case of this newspaper as it has a tagline of “Delivering the news from Henley-on-Thames and South Oxfordshire for over 100 years”.

Moving swiftly on, I shall now be creating and sending out some questionnaires to be filled out by 10 people from the age range of 15+ in order to gather results on what should be in a local newspaper and what can be improved to make the newspaper a hit within a local society.